Can someone help me do math because I am having a breakdown rn because I don’t get it

Problem 2) The graph of section A shows a relatively slow growth (compared to section B) of sales. In other words, sales are going up. You read the graph from left to right. As follow the graph in this order, the graph is going uphill.
Problem 3) The graph of section B has faster growth. This is because of the steeper portion. The slope is larger compared to section A.
Problem 4) The sales growth is flat. The amount of sales stays the same (doesn't grow nor decrease) throughout this section C. The slope here is 0.
Problem 5) Section D has negative sales growth due to the negative slope going downhill. So the amount of sales has gone down, but fortunately for the store owner the sales amount is still positive.
Problem 6) In summary of problems 2 through 6, the sales starts off respectable at some slow steady pace in section A, then it shoots up much faster through section B but over a shorter period of time. Afterward, section C shows flat growth where the sales don't go up nor down. Finally, the sales go down in section D. We can say that sales plateaued (or hit its peak) at section C. Meaning that it didn't go any higher than this portion. Due to the nature of the problem not giving any numeric values, we cannot find any numeric slopes so we can't fully quantify the growth rates.
Problem 7) The price of gas is steady and flat for a short time, then it dips down some amount before settling on a new steady price. Some amount of time passes by (maybe a few days or so), then the price increases again past the first original price to settle on a new higher price. This price is the highest so far compared to the lowest price earlier. This process of increasing and decreasing repeats itself in a slightly predictable manner as the price decreases settles to another flat portion as the last part of the graph. In short summary, the price of gas fluctuates up and down. There are chunks of time where the price doesn't move which may be due to the fact that it takes time for the store owners to update their prices (they have to take time to react to the markets)