What, do you suppose, Herrick would say if you told him you interpreted his poem to mean that you should live a wild and crazy life, not worrying about the consequences of your actions

If you told Herrick you interpreted his poem to mean that you should live a wild and crazy life without worrying about the consequences of your actions, he would say that you might have misunderstood his message.
What he is saying in this poem is "Enjoy your time, enjoy life". He advises you to enjoy youth and the beautiful moments experienced in life, but not without any concerns for the consequences of your actions. He never says that you shouldn't care for others and you just can’t be entirely happy if you hurt other people. Just enjoy your life while you can and make it beautiful. Life is now, be happy, admire things around you. "Be not coy, but use your time", he advises the reader to dare, to live, to be free.