Please fill in 1 2 3 and 4!

You should start at the end.
Part Four
This is a very famous painting of an infamous event. The painting depicts the Trail of Tears. This was the forcible evacuation of many tribes from many states. If I am correct the first one was in 1830-31 from Ohio. It occurred during Andrew Jackson's presidency.
The painting shows in brilliant detail why this was such a cruel event. The weather couldn't be very nice. Notice the arrow at the third frame. It is pointing a a woman riding (a mare?) all bundled in a blanket. This must have occurred during early spring or late fall and the temperatures would have cold in that part of the country. Yet here he is in the middle of nowhere freezing to death literally. That's one ominous detail. Look at the sky for a second one. This is not a sunny day and snow is likely to fall.
The weather in Oklahoma (the destination of the trail of tears) is not terrifically warm this time of the year. There is nothing hospitable being suggested in the painting.
Part One
Much of what I've said in answering 4 is what should be said here. The arrow is pointing at a military "escort" on this horrific journey. His intent is to keep things moving and to make sure no one slips away. This assignment is likely not to his taste.
Part Two
The Cherokee Nation vs Georgia was supposed to be heard before the Supreme Court of the United States. Apparently it was not. Chief Justice Marshall in reading the results or their deliberation declared that the Cherokee Nation did not really have a case. They were wards of the state "in much the same way a child is a ward of his guardian." As such the State was free to enforce whatever laws seemed right.
Worcestor vs Georgia was related to the case quoted above. What it declared was that Georgia had no right in requiring that a state license for settling on native land was necessary. In doing this (Worcestor was a missionary with a strong conscience), eleven men disobeyed this edict so that the Cherokee had control of their land themselves. Exactly how this was made possible by their defiance requires more room that you are expected to use for this answer. This is a very convoluted case and I really suggest you pursue it to get a more detailed picture of what was going on.
Part Three
I think I should leave you to answer this. I've given you enough detail that you should be able to answer this question. It is not hard to figure out that in one instance alone 16000 people were relocated and 4000 of them died on the Trail of Tears.