please help. i have this propaganda project. i chose to be on the colonists side to fight british oppression. i need help with the first two please.

To start you'll have to take in mind Mass Communication Research, The Hipodermic Needle Theory, developed by Lasswell: "Propaganda Techniques in World War".
A few practical points about this theory:
Applying this theory to your HW, you want to obtain an effect: convincing colinist to fight british opression. So your message / poster will have to imitate the structure of The Hipodermic Needle Theory's popaganda:
in this example we can analyze that it's a "two sides" situation: you are with the enemy or you are with the "good side".
So you will have to do some reaserch and look for information which can help you to develop the kind of message I showed you in the example.
Hope it helps!!! Good Luck!