Which statement accurately compares the military strategies of the North and South at the Battle of Fort Sumter?

A. The North wanted to launch a bombardment of Charleston from the fort, while the South wanted to defend civilians from Northern bombs.

B. The North planned to use the fort as a naval base in the heart of the Confederacy, while the South planned to use the base to launch blockade-runners.

C.The North wanted to hold the fort until it could receive supplies, while the South wanted to capture the fort from the North with force.

D. The North hoped the battle would convince the South to return to the Union, while the South hoped the battle would convince Texas to join the Confederacy.

Respuesta :

The answer is C.

The norths plan was to hold the fort until it could get the supplies. The south planned to capture the fort using force.

I know this is kinda late sorry~

A-  :)

The correct answer is C, as the North wanted to hold Fort Sumter until it could receive supplies, while the South wanted to capture it from the North with force.

The Battle of Fort Sumter was a bombing carried out between April 12 and 13, 1861, by the army of the Confederate States of America with the intention of expelling the federal troops that occupied the fortification of Fort Sumter, located at the entrance to the bay of Charleston in South Carolina. The importance of this battle, which did not cause casualties, is that it was the trigger that triggered the Civil War (1861-1865), the bloodiest conflict that occurred in the United States.

In order to protect the fort against possible Confederate attacks, Robert Anderson sent Washington a request for reinforcements. The outgoing President, Buchanan, wanted at all costs to prevent blood from spilling before his term expired and he refused to send reinforcements, although he did not order an evacuation of the troops stationed in the fort, in exchange that South Carolina would promise not to attack the position at least until the diplomatic negotiations were declared terminated.

The previous negotiations tried to agree on the surrender of the troops that occupied the fort and its conditions. In parallel, both governments accused each other of being guilty of a possible conflict. For both sides, the previous actions were aimed at stimulating their troops and convincing the still undecided states to join their cause, trying to present the adversary as the aggressor in case the war finally became effective. The conflict began to take shape with the confrontation of the governor of South Carolina, Francis W. Pickens, with the President of the United States in office, the Democrat James Buchanan, this confrontation continued, beginning in March, through the President of the Confederate government Jefferson Davis with the American President Abraham Lincoln.

After several months of negotiation, the attack on the fort of the Confederate troops caused the mobilization of the federal army by Abraham Lincoln and precipitated the country to civil war.

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