1. Process of adopting a new culture, either voluntarily or foced..........
2. A party organization, headed by a single boss or small autocratic group, that controls votes to mantain political and administrative control of a government.........

3. founded in chicago to help immigrants.... it is an example of a....

4.immigrants from Europe came here.... immigrants from Asia came here....

5.This law was passed to restrict immigrants from a particular Asian country.......

6. This law was passed to make monopolies illegal.....

7. Teddy R. ran unsuccessfully for the progressive party and lost this......

8. This strike involved a steel mill owned by Carnegie......

9. These strikes involved the railroad industry

Political Machine.

Hull House.


Pullman Strike.

Ellis Island.

Angel island.

Settlement House.

Election of 1912.

Great Strike of 1877.

Sherman Anti Trust Act.

Chinese Exclusion Act.


Respuesta :

1. Assimilation

5. Chinese Exclusion Act

7. Election of 1912

Those are the only ones I know. Good luck!