Respuesta :

1. The name needs to sound good when it's said aloud. I'm a big fan of alliteration, using words that start with the same consonant, Coca-Cola or Jimmy John's. Just make sure to say it aloud -- a lot -- and make sure this isn't a "she sells seashells on the seashore" situation. People need to say the name on the radio, a video or in conversation.

2. Use a name that has meaning to it and conveys a benefit. If you heard it you'd know right away what it is. For example, my first "real" book was called, "Moonlighting on the Internet." The word "moonlighting" instantly conveyed that this was about using the Internet in your spare time to make extra money. Also make sure the name isn't too generic. Personally, I think Boston Chicken made a mistake when it changed its name to Boston Market. Don't try to be everything to everybody with your name.

3. Avoid Web 2.0-ish syndrome. I still don't know if you spell Flickr with an "er" or not. And I definitely have no idea how to spell without looking it up. This sort of mildly dyslexic spelling is so last decade. Potential customers for your new venture of "Computer4You" should be able to easily look up the name, and they shouldn't be asking whether a "you" is a "u."  

4. Beware initials. They are so boring. Yes, IBM and 3M have gotten away with initials, but these are multibillion-dollar corporations that have been around for decades. You can do the same when you've brought in billions of dollars over a hundred years. Until then, rely on a name that is interesting.

5. Use specifics. Don't use a generic name that doesn't mean anything. I like names that take advantage of details such as numbers and days. My buddy Tim Ferriss found a pretty specific and compelling name for his book "The 4-Hour Work Week." Other titles that use numbers to focus in on specifics include "8 Minute Abs" and "5-hour Energy."

6. Make sure you can trademark the name. Depending on how big you want to build the brand, this is an important consideration. It's worth it to check -- or a new site called -- before settling on a name.

7. Test it out on Google AdWords. One of the great features of the "find keywords" tool on AdWords is that it will list similar search phrases, along with how many global and local monthly searches each are getting. Some AdWords searches with the name you are considering can ensure there isn't a slightly different name out there that might get more attention on the Internet.


Attract Clients.


When a person plans to start a business, the first thing comes to his mind is the name of the business that should be given. That business name will become the identity of the business. A business name should be appealing enough to attract the prospect clients. The business name should tell the idea behind that business in a word. So business names should be chosen wisely.

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