Respuesta :
With the exception of a couple of countries such as Venezuela, the relationship between US and Latin American Countries is currently cordial and has historically been so. Commercially, the US has free trade agreements signed with numerous countries of this region. Regarding Central America, the CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) was signed between all Central American Countries (with the exception of Costa Rica, who has its own agreement) and the US.
Relations between the US and Asia are composed of a series of treaties regarding military and commercial affairs.
Military alliances include countries such as Morocco, Turkey, Jordan, Afghanistan, Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar. These are countries that will offer logistic support to the US in case a conflict arising in the region.
Important commercial alliances also include the previously mentioned countries, such as the oil-producing countries of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar. In addition to eastern Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan.