Away beyond it rose a line of giant cliffs similar to those upon which we are supposed to stand in our survey of the savage scene, and through which the road had somehow made its climb to the summit. The reference in this sentence to the savage scene foreshadows A. the cruelty of the upcoming battle. B. that the officer will see an apparition. C. difficult conditions the soldiers must endure. D. that something horribly brutal will occur.

Respuesta :



C. difficult conditions the soldiers must endure


In this extensive sentence, readers can understand that something big is going to happen. Giant cliffs are used to represent and remind the subjects of the story to imprudence and ineluctably of further events. This magnificent and terrifying scene can cause readers the prediction of the horrifying scene of the upcoming battle.

The nature and its strength in this landscape are bringing the picture of a cruel or brutal battle. The conditions are not helpful for soldiers and their fight will be long, hard and exhausting.

C. Difficult conditions the soldiers must endure

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