In the space below, write a 500-word essay describing the theme of O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi.” Explain how the author uses irony as an essential tool in developing this theme.

Respuesta :

"The Gift of the Magi" is a wonderful story of love and sacrifice. To think about the other person more than you think about yourself.

Christmas is coming and a young married couple is looking for the perfect and meaningful gift for the other one. They don't have much material possessions, just two that they consider their treasures. Jim has a watch that he inherited from his grandfather and Delia has a cascade of brown hair that reaches her knees.

Delia longs to buy Jim a gold chain for his watch, but she doesn't have money enough. So, she decides to have her hair cut and sell it, so she can have the money for buying the gold chain. Jim, in turn, sells his watch to be able to buy Delia a set of hair combs for her beautiful hair.

The author compares their gifts to the ones the three wise men ( the Magi) gave Baby Jesus. There is only one difference. Jim and Dellia's gifts are far more meaningful as they are gifts of love.

The author uses IRONY as a tool in developing his story. An expectation of what is supposed to occur ( both of them happy and elated with their gifts) differs from what really happened ( the gifts are useless to them, as they can't use them now beause they don't have the actual objects) They sacriface their most beloved possesions for the other. Neither of them expects the other to make that sacrifice.

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