I need help on my makeup work numbers 4-6

For problems 4-6, there's a certain method that's preferable for converting decimals to fractions. Here's how to do it:
To begin, you take the decimal and input it as the numerator. As for the denominator, you use 1. Next, you multiply the numerator & the denominator by 100. It doesn't always need to be 100, it can be 1000, you just need to get the decimal over far enough to where there's no remaining decimal in the numerator. However, often times it'll be 100. After you have the whole number as a numerator and 100 as the denominator, you reduce the fraction to get the final answer. So, let's put this method to use.
For problem 4, the decimal is 0.45. So, that becomes the numerator.
Then, multiply by 100.
Now, reduce (simplify). I assume you already know how to simplify, but in case you don't, I'll extend on it. To simplify, you need to find the greatest common factor (GCF). The GCF is a number that'll go into both the numerator and the denominator.
So, for this the GCF is 5. 45/5 = 9 and 100/5 = 20. Your answer for #4 = 9/20.
Now, let's solve for #5. For this one, 1000 will be your better option to multiply by due to the fact that there's 3 decimal places in the numerator.
0.125/1 x 1000 = 125/1000.
If you divide the numerator and denominator by 125, you'll reduce it to 1/8. Therefore, the answer to #5 is 1/8.
Lastly, we can solve for #6. This is where it gets tricky. When the decimal begins with a number in the tens place, you know it'll be a mixed number. So, 6.04 = 6 and 4/100. However, you can continue to reduce to have a final answer of 6 & 1/25.
If you need more examples or more help, let me know.