Respuesta :
To make her speech effective, Susan B. Anthony for the basis of her argument uses the repeated questions and the Fourteenth Amendment to support her argument for women's right to vote.
“Are women persons? Being persons, then, women are citizens, and no State has a right to make any new law, or to enforce any old law, which shall abridge their privileges or immunities.", The question was repeated throughout her speech. Such use of diction and language asserted her point of view and reflected upon her higher education and that she is no different from men. Also, emphasizing the point why does not women have the right to vote as men?
"Nor shall any State deprive any person of life liberty, or property without due process of law, or deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws" . Another citizen right used by her, which asserted her point as a fact and not the opinion of her own. Relating to such facts without emotional attachments made the citizen believe in her and made her speech effective to reach the small number of groups.