modernity is said to have started with what event in history?

The industrial revolution.
The Enlightenment paved the way for the historic event that was seen as the starting point of the modern era: the industrial revolution. European society was undergoing a series of changes motivated by great war and ideological conflicts. The Napoleonic wars stimulated the arms race, which raised the demand for a larger production of material goods. The enclosure processes, in which the communal lands began to be privatized, pushed the peasants to the great urban centers. The direct connection with the land and the rural labor, for which the peasant produced his sustenance, was cut off. The agrarian populations accumulated in the cities and they had to sell their work force in the great factories that stood.
At this point we see that the entire social structure that had existed until then had changed. Relationships between individuals became different as their reality became distinct. Customs that were formerly justified in an agrarian and rural world were forgotten or changed in the urban environment. New conflicts arose in the face of a new configuration of labor relations and influenced by emerging capitalism, which was the main point for modernity to emerge as the new organization of the world.