What To Expect With A 2 Month Old Baby – After surviving the first several weeks of parenthood, a 2 month old baby is growing, learning and thriving in your household. At this point, it may seem like every morning brings new changes to your baby.

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What To Expect With A 2 Month Old BabyWhat To Expect With A 2 Month Old Baby


A 2 month old baby is very responsive due to the steady development of all of the internal systems. For first-time parents, knowing what to expect at this stage will help you guide your little one through each developmental milestone. Here are a few tips on what you can expect with a 2-month old baby.


Your baby can now differentiate colors as the eye and vision capabilities become more focused. Although little ones will still be attracted to bright primary colors, they may start showing excitement inspired by bold shapes and designs. Get a 2-month-old’s attention by showing them bright colors and pictures. Babies at this stage begin to direct and hold their gazes with intention. Eyes may widen as they begin to pay attention and make eye contact. By this time, your baby has long recognized your face. By two months, babies may be able to discriminate different expressions on your face. They start grasping at rattles and bright toys.


A 2 month old baby has increasingly developed hearing at this point and is able to distinguish and recognize voices. Talk or sing to your little one regularly to create a calm and relaxed environment [1].

Sleep patterns

At two months, your baby girl or baby boy may fall asleep at regular times and is now ready to be introduced to a lasting sleep hygiene routine. Instead of a nap every 45 minutes, little ones may stay awake for longer periods of time. Typically, a 2-month-old takes three naps during the day. Allow 2 month old babies nap times, but guide them to develop a basic routine. Pay attention to your baby’s body language. The usual cues include rubbing the eyes, yawning or looking the other way when parents attempt to gain attention. With a set daytime routine, it will be easier to put your little one to sleep at night. Allow your baby to fuss a bit when waking in the middle of the night as they may discover self-soothing activities.

Tummy time

Ever since the American Academy of Pediatrics promoted the “back to sleep” habit, the number of cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) dropped drastically. However, the number of babies with flat spots found on the back of their head has increased. This condition is referred to as positional plagiocephaly. Putting a baby on the tummy can reduce the appearance of flat spots and encourage the body to develop strengthening the limbs on the upper body. According to the pediatrics AAP, tummy time for your newborn begins by placing them face down on your chest while reclining in your chair for a few minutes. This will help your little one become familiar with the position. What to expect with a 2 month old baby? At 2 months, babies are getting stronger and will show it during tummy time lifting their shoulders and heads [2].


Another milestone for a 2 month old baby is that movements start to look less jerky. More fluid movements of their arms and legs present because your baby is trying more positions developing the bones and muscles and enhancing coordination. Your baby may try to grasp an offered rattle.


At 2 months, you might be wondering how many times your little one has to move their bowels. It is a bit complicated. If you formula feed your baby, your little one will be moving bowels once or twice a day. If you breastfeed your baby, the same frequency of bowel movements may occur or several days may pass without solid waste which is not uncommon. Check for consistency instead of frequency to ensure that your baby is not suffering from constipation or diarrhea. For babies that use cloth diapers, keep a wet bag handy for messes.

Reaction time

A 2 month old baby reacts to loud sounds either by crying or performing the startle reflex. Pay attention to the cues exhibited when your baby hears loud noises. At this point, babies are no longer holding their hands in fists, but they tend to become more open and exploratory.

Weight gain

Another milestone for a 2 month old baby is weight gain. Most likely, your baby has gained between 2 to 4 pounds since the time they were born, has grown up to 2 inches, and the head circumference has gained around 4 centimeters. Baby feeding times are still frequent, every 3-4 hours. Your baby’s body has already gone through a growth spurt or two. It will be a couple months before your baby starts solid foods.

Gurgling and cooing

What to expect with a 2 month old baby? More gurgling and cooing will be emitted from your bundle of joy since this is the stage when your baby is learning how to talk. This is the perfect time to expose your baby to different sounds, talk to your baby or sing, and a 2 month old child will respond back.


Diaper rash is common in babies at this age with the friction caused between a baby’s waste and diaper. Rashes can disappear after a few days especially when treated with a special cream. If the rashes are not going away and your baby is irritable or has increased crying, your little might have a yeast infection. Diaper rash can be prevented with regular diaper changes and the use of mild soap when cleaning a soiled bottom. Apply some diaper rash cream once you have pat the skin dry for added protection.


A baby will start drooling more around 2-4 months. Your baby does not yet know how to swallow well, so the drool often runs out of the mouth. Remember with increased drooling comes the risk of rashes. Be prompt about wiping the skin, and apply an organic baby cream that will not hurt your baby if it is absorbed through the skin.


By two months old, your baby may self-soothe when crying. The Moro reflex may be exhibited for another month or so. Babies find comfort in blankets, pacifiers or their own thumbs. Parents often look for ways to soothe their babies when they are feeling tired or fussy offering a pacifier, or babies may suck on their thumbs. Another way to relax your baby is to position the arms on the chest, then swaddle as a way to create a feeling of safety. Swaddling mimics the warmth and positioning in the womb, hence a feeling of calm and relaxation.

Mood and behavior

What to expect with a 2 month old baby? Your little has exhibited different moods and behaviors at this point. Formula-fed babies and breastfed babies share some behaviors and also react to different stimuli.  Crying is common especially when a baby is hungry, but it can also be a sign of something else. Familiarize yourself with the different behaviors your child exhibits at a young age so you can take advantage of it.

The following are common stages shares among infants:

Quiet sleep

Your baby is fast asleep, eyes closed with little to no motor movements. When your little one is at this stage, it is time to take a much-needed nap.

Active sleep

At this stage, your baby will smile, twitch, frown and stretch during sleep.

Active alert

At this point, your baby shows signs of activities with moans, vocalizations, crying and grunting while trying to communicate and move around. This is the phase right before a child falls asleep.

Quiet alert

Your baby will be in a relaxed state with their eyes open and observing.

How To Help Your Newborn With Their Development At 2 MonthsHow To Help Your Newborn With Their Development At 2 Months


A 2 month old baby is both exciting and challenging at the same time. Supporting your baby’s development at this stage is vital. Now that you have an idea of what to expect, here are a few things on which to take action:

Smile at your baby

At this young age, your baby will recognize you up close, so smile at your baby during the active phase. This releases feel-good hormones in your baby which help them relax and create a bond between you and your little one. Make funny faces to hear them gurgle with happiness. Eye contact is essential, but avoid this when you are nursing to sleep as this can stimulate the brain.

Give your baby a massage

Massage is a technique to create a connection between you and your 2 month old baby. This works like a charm when your baby is feeling cranky as the constant movement of your hand and the warmth it generates can make them feel calm, relaxed and ready for sleeping.  Your baby loves cuddling at this time.

Play together

Your baby’s grasp reflex is present at this age reaching out for toys and fingers. Playing will teach your child to become more familiar with you and help with motor skills especially the arms and legs. Bouncing, tummy rolling and pushing the upper body is all part of playtime that helps strengthen muscles and bones. Reading, talking and singing to your little one is a fun and engaging way to help your baby.

Practice tummy time

Your 2 month old baby will profit from some tummy time. Spending one to five minutes on the tummy will help develop the head, neck and upper body. Strengthening these core muscles helps babies gain the strength for their tummy roll.

Engage the brain

Take the time to keep your little one engaged while awake. Offer a variety of activities. Take a stroll outside, lie down on the floor for tummy time or read a book with bright pictures.

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What To Expect With A 2 Month Old Baby – Create A Routine

Now is the time to start routines that your baby will follow throughout their life. At two months, start oral hygiene by wiping your baby’s gums one to two times a day with a wet washcloth or gauze. Do this at least daily. Once your child starts developing teeth, clean their mouth at least twice a day.

Arriving at the 2 month old stage is an exhilarating time for parents because of the various changes in little ones. This time since birth has led to an understanding of their cues and their crying. From being more responsive when being talked to or played with to changing sleeping patterns and developing strength and flexibility, there are many milestones that you and your little one are sure to experience at this stage.

Every baby is different so what to expect with a 2 month old baby can differ slightly.  If you feel like your child is exhibiting atypical development, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests a visit to the pediatrician. An early diagnosis can perhaps solve the problem or your pediatrician can suggest early interventions.

Raising a child is always an adventure especially for first-time parents, which is why it is well worth knowing what to expect from your baby at each month. This provides a good idea of your baby’s development and helps you pinpoint the areas on which to focus in caring for your baby.

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What To Expect With A 2 Month Old Baby Resources:
[1]   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; WHO Growth Standards Are Recommended for Use in the U.S. for Infants and Children 0 to 2 Years of Age, September 09, 2010.
[2]   New York State, Department of Health; Promoting Safe Sleep Practices in New York State.

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