A baby’s first food intake is breast milk or formula, and solids are introduced six months after birth. One of the most common questions that parents ask is, “When can babies have water?” or, “Is it ok for newborns to drink water?” The answer is conditional.
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Is It Safe for Newborns To Drink Water
When Can Babies Have Water
Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding
Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water
When Can Babies Have Water?
This question goes hand-in-hand with the question, “Is it bad for newborns to drink water?” Although adults are encouraged to drink copious amounts of water, making a baby drink water, especially a newborn, can be counter-productive at best and dangerous at worst.
Whether your baby is breastfed or formula fed, your child is getting enough hydration. Breast milk is composed of 88 percent water which ensures proper hydration. [1] With regards to preparing formula milk, the powdered formula is typically mixed with 2 fluid ounces of water which is enough to meet your baby’s hydration needs. Do not over-dilute your formula as this removes the nutrients present.
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Is It Safe for Newborns To Drink Water
When Can Babies Have Water
Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding
Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water

Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water?
Is it safe for newborns to drink water? Unless your pediatrician directs you to give your newborn water, it is neither necessary nor safe. It is much better for your newborn to stick with breast milk or formula since this ensures proper nutrition and hydration.
A newborn’s system is sensitive and not fully developed. Physicians at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore warn that giving your baby too much water can put them at risk of serious physical problems such as water intoxication and electrolyte imbalance. [2] The answer to, “Is it bad for newborns to drink water?” is yes.
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Is It Safe for Newborns To Drink Water
When Can Babies Have Water
Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding
Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water

Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding?
So is it safe for newborns to drink water if they are not breastfeeding and instead consuming formula? The answer is no. While the formula is mixed with water to obtain the correct consistency, extra water should not be given to babies. Babies receive an adequate amount of liquid during feedings which is enough for their systems. Your baby’s hydration will not be a problem if you are mixing formula powder with the correct amount of water.
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Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding
Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water
Baby Water Intoxication
Babies have a thirst reflex, also known as a drive to drink, just like adults. However, your baby needs breast milk or formula instead of water as they are rich in nutrients. Introducing water at an early age can cause infant bodies to release sodium along with the excess water. Unfortunately, this affects brain activity and causes other symptoms of water intoxication such as drowsiness, irritability, mental changes, puffiness or swelling in the face, low body temperature and seizures.
Whether it be boiled tap water or not, babies should not be given water below six months of age. Their kidneys are not functioning properly yet which makes it difficult to process the liquid that they are consuming and can even cause sodium to be eliminated from their body. This can upset the balance in their systems which can be dangerous. [3]
The question, “Is it ok for newborns to drink water?” is often asked as the weather grows warmer or when newborns become constipated. Sometimes, pediatricians will direct parents to give babies a small amount of water to aid in proper bowel movements. Most likely, an ounce or two of water will be recommended since your child’s organs are not yet fully formed to handle extra water. [4] As for warmer weather, dress your baby appropriately, and avoid taking them out during the heat of the day.
So, is it ok for newborns to drink water? The answer is unless directed by your pediatrician, you should not give your newborn water as they are at risk for developing water intoxication. For children under one year of age and especially during the first 9 months of life, drinking too much water can be dangerous.
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Is It Safe for Newborns To Drink Water
When Can Babies Have Water
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Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water
When Can Babies Have Tap Water?
Is it safe for newborns to drink water? If your little one is six months or younger, you should only introduce breast milk or infant formula. By six months and above or when you start to offer solids, some water can be administered but only in small amounts.
When can babies have tap water? Babies should be drinking either breast milk or formula up to the age of one. At 12 months, a child’s primary drink should be breast milk or water and cow’s milk. If your baby is eating solids, you can give them a few sips of water as they eat using their sippy cup. This way, they will learn how to drink from a cup as well keep their bowel movements working correctly.
Water should only be given to babies to prevent dehydration if it is recommended by their doctor. Typically, healthy urine is a pale yellow color. Should your baby develop darker yellow urine or a decreased urine output, contact a pediatrician. For babies older than six months, water can be given in between feedings. It is essential that your baby’s hydration status is at the right level. Water intoxication is possible if you give your baby too much water before the appropriate age. John Hopkins reports cases of treating seizure activity in babies every summer due to parents giving their baby too much water.
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Is It Safe for Newborns To Drink Water
When Can Babies Have Water
Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding
Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water

Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
Giving too much water to babies can cause serious health issues. There are side effects to making your baby drink water when they are not at the appropriate age. Here are a few downsides to this action.
Overfull stomach
Giving your baby too much water while they are still a newborn can fill their belly to the point that they cannot drink milk. Unfortunately, this means that they will miss their much-needed nutrients.
Malabsorption Of Nutrients
Watering down the formula milk by mixing too much water for a few ounces of milk reduces the nutrients necessary for babies to thrive. Keep in mind that water intoxication is possible.
Fluorosis is a cosmetic problem that affects baby teeth and permanent teeth underneath the gums. In babies, it is due to being exposed to an excess of fluoride via fluoridated water.
Some parents think that there is nothing wrong with offering their babies flavor water in between feedings. Toddlers can benefit from adding fresh juice from oranges, but a processed flavor drink often contains sugar which is not recommended. Giving your baby a juice drink means that you are giving them unwanted empty calories at this growing stage.
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Is It Safe for Newborns To Drink Water
When Can Babies Have Water
Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding
Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water

A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Giving babies tap water is fine to use as long as certain guidelines are followed.
- Let the tap flow 15-20 seconds before using the water.
- Only use cold tap water.
- Per U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines, water sterilization is necessary. Boil the water for 1 minute, then let it cool before using it in your formula. Use the boiled water within 30 minutes. https://www.verywellfamily.com/preparing-baby-formula-2634688
Of course, check with your pediatrician for specific instructions.
Water Guide by Age
At this age, a baby’s small stomach is not capable of holding a lot of water. Introducing water at this point disrupts the electrolytes in the body which can affect the heart and brain.
4 to 6 months
Although there is nothing wrong with giving your baby small amounts of water at this stage, it is still not necessary. Breastfed babies do not need the extra hydration, and formula-fed babies can be given a few ounces of water using their sippy cups especially during the summer. Discuss with your pediatrician before giving your child water.
5 to 7 months
Babies at this age are able to hold on to objects which means that they can learn how to drink from a cup. A sippy cup will be easier to use. Introduce water slowly into your child’s diet so the transition is smooth. Water should not take the place of breastmilk or formula milk at this stage. Water can be administered to babies while they are eating solids but only in small amounts.
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Is It Safe for Newborns To Drink Water
When Can Babies Have Water
Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding
Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water

Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water
There are a few considerations to take into account once your baby is the right age to transition from milk to water safely.
Watch how much water you give
It cannot be stressed enough that giving your baby too much water can be dangerous since there is a risk of water intoxication. When there is an excess amount of water in the body, sodium and electrolytes are affected which can be hazardous to a baby’s health.
Skip the fruit juice
Most parents tend to experiment with what they feed their babies. However, watch the sugar content when it comes to fruit juice.
Use plain water
Let your child get used to drinking plain water. Flavor drinks have sugar that is detrimental to both overall and dental health.
Is it bad for newborns to drink water? Yes. Water should only be given to your newborn when the pediatrician recommends it. One reason for this is to soften bowel movements. Infants only need breast milk and formula for proper nutrition and hydration. If you are considering giving your little one water, make sure that they have reached the appropriate age. In the case of dehydration or when your baby is sick, discuss your options with your doctor to ensure that water is necessary and safe. As your child grows older, avoid flavor water and encourage them to become accustomed to the taste of regular water.
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Is It Safe for Newborns To Drink Water
When Can Babies Have Water
Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water If They Are Not Breastfeeding
Baby Water Intoxication
When Can Babies Have Tap Water
Side Effects Of Giving Water To Infants
A Guide To When Can Babies Have Water
Safety First When Giving A Newborn Water
Is It Safe For Newborns To Drink Water Resources:
[1] Jama Network; Hyponatremia and Water Intoxication, Susan Furth, MD, Frank A. Oskia, MD, September 1993.
[2] St Louis Children’s Hospital; Water Intoxication in Infants.
[3] World Health Organization; Why can’t we give water to a breastfeeding baby before the 6 months, even when it is hot?, July 2014.
[4] Australian Government, National Health And Medical Research Council; Water, September 04, 2014.