What Causes Baby Rash Under Chin
Drool Rash
Babies don’t develop complete control over their mouth muscles until they are 18-24 months of age. A drool rash looks like raised patches of red bumps commonly caused by baby drool. Thus, their saliva tends to run out of their mouth. Teething can increase drooling and cause baby drool to dribble down to the skin folds of your baby’s neck and chest. It can also occur if your baby uses a pacifier. Pacifier use may cause saliva to be constantly present around their mouth, further spreading the skin rash to the cheeks [1].
To prevent a rash under the chin, or a teething rash, make sure to wipe the drool immediately. And make it a point to keep your baby’s skin and neck dry and clean. To avoid irritating the skin, dab only with gentle pressure when getting rid of the saliva. If your baby’s clothing is already wet due to teething, change their garments immediately, or use a bib. You can also treat teething rash with a gentle organic baby lotion for sensitive skin.
Heat Rash
Baby heat rash, also called prickly heat or sweat rash, is a common skin condition among babies that usually occurs during the hot summer months. Because of the extreme heat, the baby’s sweat gets trapped in the skin folds. Though less common, it can occur during the winter when parents clothe their babies in multiple layers of clothing, preventing the proper ventilation of the skin. Symptoms of heat rash appear as tiny bumps that eventually can lead to an itchy rash. It usually shows up on the baby’s neck but can also spread to other parts of the body. To resolve baby heat rash, loosen clothing and use a mild baby soap to sooth the baby’s skin.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis also called contact eczema, is a type of allergic reaction to skin irritants such as detergent, chemicals, or jewelry. Just like eczema, contact dermatitis appears as a scaly, red rash. Sometimes, the rash will “weep.” It is often mistaken for and treated as atopic dermatitis or regular eczema. What differentiates it from regular eczema is it is more localized. If you suspect your baby has contact dermatitis, remove the source of the irritant, and you should see an immediate improvement.
Fungal Infection
Fungal infection in babies is caused by trapped sweat, saliva, and moisture in the baby’s skin folds. This area becomes a thriving place for Candida or the virus Molluscum Contagiosum to develop, eventually resulting in a nappy rash or yeast infection. This type of skin infection is a common cause of a neck rash and can be treated with an antifungal cream. Always check with your pediatrician before applying any medicated cream.
Newborn Rash
Also known as erythema toxicum, a newborn rash is widespread among infants. It is not yet known how this skin irritation develops, but it usually resolves on its own even without any treatment after a couple of days or weeks. Symptoms of a newborn rash include red bumps with slightly raised borders that may or may not have a yellow or white dot at the center.
Baby Acne
Baby acne is also known as neonatal acne and infantile acne. As its name suggests, it typically occurs in newborn infants that are 2 weeks to 6 months of age. However, some babies have it at birth. Approximately 20 percent of newborns are affected by baby acne. It can develop on many parts of the body, including the baby‘s head, chest, nose, cheek, chin, neck, and upper back.
Milia, also known as Epstein Pearls, affects around 40 to 50 percent of newborn infants. It occurs when dead skin flakes are trapped in the skin, blocking the oil glands and preventing proper ventilation. Symptoms consist of tiny, white, or yellow bumps 1-3 mm in size that appears on the baby’s chin, nose, or cheeks. It can also look like a diaper rash. Like baby acne, this skin issue may resolve on its own without treatment. However, to prevent milia from developing into a skin infection, proper and gentle care of baby’s sensitive skin must be observed at all times.
Baby eczema is common among children 6 months to 5 years of age. It is believed to be influenced by genetics. If one parent has eczema, it’s not unusual for the baby to have it as well. However, baby eczema is usually outgrown by the time the child starts school. Symptoms of eczema include rash swelling that is itchy and rough. It is sometimes treated with hydrocortisone or steroid cream. However, any use of steroid cream should be prescribed by your pediatrician. If eczema appears within the first 6 months of your infant’s life, it usually pops up on the chin, cheeks, forehead, or the scalp similar to cradle cap. If it shows up after the first 6 months, it develops on any part of the body, especially the knees and elbows.
Chickenpox can be another culprit for a baby rash under the chin. It starts as red bumps that turn into itchy blisters until they scab and resolve. Along with the occurrence of fluid-filled blisters all over the body, your child will also experience fever. Chickenpox can make your child very ill. Symptoms usually appear several days after your child comes in contact with the virus.
Impetigo is a skin problem that occurs when skin cuts, scratches, or a rash breach the outer surface of the skin. An infection then develops within the skin, allowing bacteria to grow and multiply. Classic symptoms of impetigo appear as red patches on the face, hands, and the torso. These blisters will ooze fluid for a few days before transforming into a crusty, brownish color. Impetigo is considered a viral rash because it can easily spread through skin-to-skin contact. If your child has impetigo accompanied by fever, see your pediatrician immediately.
Scarlet Fever
Scarlet fever or scarlatina is a skin condition that can occur in children that simultaneously have strep throat or a strep skin infection. The strep bacteria cause bright and bumpy blisters that are pink or red. It spreads quickly throughout the body and is usually accompanied by a sore throat, swollen tongue, headache, or high fever. Scarlet fever is resolved with antibiotics and usually goes away after six days of treatment.
When To Call Your Baby’s Doctor
Baby skin rashes under the chin usually disappear on their own. However, if a fever or fluid-filled blisters accompany your baby’s skin problems, your little one may potentially have an infection. If a simple chin or teething rash won’t go away, your baby constantly cries or does not have an appetite, call your baby’s doctor immediately.