What is all the fuss with gas and how do you provide baby gas relief?
Baby gas relief is critical as it may be the third state of matter, but a gassy baby can become a fretful matter. Gas leads to discomfort. Discomfort leads to crying, and crying does not make anyone happy. You may have even turned red from embarrassment due to the noises escaping your wee one.
First, gassy babies are totally normal. They spend more time eating thus their bowels are churning out a lot more gas [1].
Some babies happily pass gas as if it was nobody’s business, but some babies get backlogged now and then.
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Baby Gas Relief • Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy • Baby Gas At Night Only
Telltale Signs that Gas is Trapped
Unpassed gas is uncomfortable. Your baby might start squirming, fretting or crying. Pulling up the legs is also a sign of discomfort due to to the lack of baby gas relief.
Feel your baby’s tummy. If it is bloated or hard, then air is likely trapped.
Give the tummy a few taps. If you hear hollow sounds, there is gas.
However, the best way to determine if fussy babies have gas is if they return to their cherubic and happy selves after passing the gas.
Here are some techniques to help your baby pass the gas and earn some parental brownie points.
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Baby Gas Relief • Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy • Baby Gas At Night Only
Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy #6 – Mom Induced Motion
Dr. Ari Brown of “Baby 411” recommends laying your baby face tummy down on a flat surface [2]. Then, lift the baby, but make sure the stomach lies flat on the surface. Next, gently massage the belly.
Another technique is to lay the baby on their back and move the legs and hips as if pedaling on a bike. These bike-riding motions can help relieve the air trapped in the baby’s belly.
A warm bath can also help alleviate discomfort.
Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy #5 – Prevention Of Baby Gas At Night Only
Whether you are feeding by breast or bottle, elevate the baby’s head higher than their stomach. This position will help the milk settle in the bottom of the stomach and make burping easier.
This is a preventive measure that can help you avoid gas problems.
Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy #4 – Burping Bliss
Do not overlook burping your baby during a feeding and after a feeding. If air doesn’t pass, lay the baby back down and wait a few minutes.
Then, try again for a belching moment.
Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy #3 – Bottle Position
To prevent future problems for bottle-fed babies, Dr. Jennifer Shu, co-author of Food Fights, recommends tilting the bottle. Angling the bottle fills the whole nipple with milk preventing air from being sucked and swallowed.
Another preventive measure is to buy vented milk bottles.
Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy #2 – Dietary Decisions
Changing formulas can help with gas problems. Certain ones are even specifically designed to fight gas. However, consult your pediatrician before making any formula changes.
If you are nursing, look at your baby’s diet and also your own. Remember that what you eat ends up in your breast milk. Dairy and caffeinated products that you consume can create more gas in your baby. Some fruit juices may contain sorbitol which also increases the likelihood of gas.
For babies who are beginning to eat solid food, care must be taken as some foods produce more gas than others. Solid foods by themselves can already be a hurdle. The harder the food is on the digestive system, the more gas it will produce.
Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy #1 – Mind the Meds
If gas remains a problem, there are over-the-counter medications and gas drops available. Ask your doctor for recommendations.
Finally, remember to check for allergies and drug interactions if your baby is taking other medications.
The Last Word on Baby Gas Relief
Gas is normal and easy to relieve and treat. Also, gas does not cause colic. However, a colicky baby will be swallowing more air which can create more gas.
If the aforementioned anti-gas measures do not work, it is time for a second look.
Gassiness can also be a symptom of rare but serious conditions. If the following symptoms are also present, contact a medical professional:
- Vomiting
- Stool issues including bloody stool, inability to defecate
- Fever
- Refusal to settle
- All-out bawling
So what is the fuss about gas? Crying, fretful babies are no fun and may be frightening especially for first-time parents.
However, farting, burping, massaging and some bottle angling can help deal with all the fuss and the fussy.
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Baby Gas Relief • Newborn Baby Gas Problem Home Remedy • Baby Gas At Night Only
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[otw-bm-list id=”1″]Baby Gas Relief & Baby Gas Relief Home Remedy References;
[1] Baby 411; Clear Answers & Smart Advice for Your Baby’s First Year, Dr. Ari Brown and Denise Fields, September 2009.
[2] Food Fights; Winning The Nutritional Challenges of Parenthood Armed with Insight, Humor, and A Bottle of Ketchup, Dr. Laura A. Jana and Dr. Jennifer Shu, February 2012.